Name above all Names

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why Christ Believes In Me

On Maundy Thursday, my Pastor allowed me the priveledge of offering my witness at our service that evening. During Lent, we explored a variety of 'Why I Believe' topics as a series for lent. The following is my witness regarding why I believe that Christ believes in me.

When I thought about why Christ believes in me, the first thought that came to mind is, “there is no reason why Christ should believe in me. I am sinful in nature. At times, I am even a slave to the temptations of the world we live in. I am selfish, unforgiving, and stubborn, (believe it or not!) But what I also am is a creature and creation of God, of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. I am saved through Grace, and grace alone. I am freed from the yokes, the chains, and the sins that bind me. Through the blood of Jesus Christ I am released from sin, and the hold that this world has on me. We are all reflections of God, the tools he uses on earth, the lens through which Christ expresses himself. Because we are His, we mirror him in this world to all others around us. Because we are his, we are love itself, good and pure and righteous at our best by his grace and abounding love. If Christ, and God our Father, didn’t believe in us, there would be no need for Him to go through the, trials, temptations, taunting, suffering, and ultimately crucifixion on the cross – and then to be resurrected for the glory of God. Christ believed, before we were even born, that we are worth saving. We are so precious to him, that we were worthy of the ultimate sacrifice. Christ is also believes in us enough to carry out his commission, that we follow him and make disciples for his Kingdom. When I was 13, I went to a Methodist retreat for young adults called Chrysalis. At the end of the weekend, we received crosses. On the front, the cross read, I am counting on Christ. The back read, And Christ is counting on you.”

A New Begining, A New Journey

While talking to some of my closes friends, both followers of Christ and those who have yet to form a true relationship, I found myself reflecting back on my own faith journey. What and why and how do I express my relationship with God and Jesus. The more questions I asked, the deeper I looked, and the more questions I have found. I find myself looking to Christ for answers, guidance, and wisdom, by His Word and through His Holy Spirit. In asking, in developing my prayers, my study, and my witness, I am discovering that not only am I depending on Christ, but I have Christ depending on me. This is my journey.