Name above all Names

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A New Begining, A New Journey

While talking to some of my closes friends, both followers of Christ and those who have yet to form a true relationship, I found myself reflecting back on my own faith journey. What and why and how do I express my relationship with God and Jesus. The more questions I asked, the deeper I looked, and the more questions I have found. I find myself looking to Christ for answers, guidance, and wisdom, by His Word and through His Holy Spirit. In asking, in developing my prayers, my study, and my witness, I am discovering that not only am I depending on Christ, but I have Christ depending on me. This is my journey.

1 comment:

  1. wOoTwOoT!

    I'm soooo excited for you, hon, in your continuing journey with Christ!

    BIIIIG HUGS & Amen!

    <>< <3
